What would it feel like to free yourself from the need to eat every time you feel overwhelmed, tired, stretched too thin or just wanted to feel a bit of peace in the moment?
The secret isn't more will-power or shaming yourself to do better.
It's learning how:
Join Julie in this self-guided mini-course as she explains why we turn to food when we are under stress, how food companies engineer and market food (and beverage) products to trigger the reward centers in our brains and the best part - simple things you can use to shift your mindset to change the way you approach food.
All so you can enjoy the food you eat and let it nourish your body instead of stuffing your feelings allowing you to free yourself from the emotional eating cycle you feel trapped in.
How many times have you told yourself, "Today is the day!" and yet, you still end up turning to food to feel a moment's peace, to avoid something uncomfortable, to feel a fleeting sense of reward & pleasure only to sink back into regret, discouragement and even shame you weren't strong enough - again.
Stop the cycle and join Julie as she guides you through strategies to tap into the Prince of Peace and shift your mindset so you can quit feeding your fears, stuffing your emotions and receive the self-control only the Holy Spirit can provide.
For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather of power and love and self-control. ~ 2 Timothy 1:7
Here's what you'll receive:
How much pain has emotional eating cost you over the last few (or several) years? Isn't it time you took back your power over your food choices and enjoyed the process?
Say yes to you and your health by signing up and start your journey to freedom today!
Welcome to Module 3, !
Now that you've been able to learn about and create your 5 Steps to Stop Emotional Eating for Lasting Results and learned more about How Your Brain is Wired for Comfort Foods, let's take a look at how & Why Food Companies are NOT Your Friend.
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